In today’s episode we are talking about burnout – why does it happen, how do we deal with it & what to do to bounce back from it. Burnout is a REAL thing that we experience in our society on a regular basis. But, what if you had a GAME-PLAN and solid ACTION STEPS to REBOUND from burnout? OR, what if you could AVOID it all together? Your life is worth MORE than being a slave to your emails, or notifications, or other people’s expectations. Take these tips & implement them into your daily life, then let me know how they help you!
#1. Intentionally pick your season & what you are focusing on
#2. Set your boundaries
#3. Take inventory of your communication channels
#4. Make YOU a priority but drop the BS story
“I believe, to my absolute core, that the future version of you is gonna thank you. It’s gonna thank you SO much and she’s gonna say thank you for GROWING through this tough time, thank you for learning what you learned. This is serving you.”