Today’s topic was sparked by an idea I came up with while listening to Taylor Swift in a coffee shop with Lizzie, so you know it’s gotta be a good one. We are talking about starting before you’re ready. I recently overheard a couple of ladies chatting about one of them starting something new & her friend giving the advice of WAITING until she had everything collected & together and she really felt READY before starting. And I just want to talk about that for a minute, because I think that is some sketchy advice that we hear far too often. Starting BEFORE you’re ready is actually where the MAGIC happens. Because honestly, when do you actually feel ready to do something outside your comfort zone? NEVER. You’ve gotta just rip the bandaid, do it & enjoy the PROCESS of GROWTH that comes from just STARTING. Of course, because I LOVE giving you tangible tips you can use TODAY, I’m going to break it down into FIVE things you can do to get out of your own way & just START.