In today’s episode, we are talking COMPARISON. In specific, comparison in regards to social media. We all know that comparison is inevitable in this social media driven world where we can scroll through hundreds of highlight reels and unfortunately, we sometimes forget reality. Today I wanted to talk about 5 tips that I have if you struggle with comparison or if someone that you know does. Here’s the breakdown:
1. Know what YOU want – that’s what matters most.
2. Use other people’s experience as EVIDENCE that it CAN BE DONE.
3. Ask yourself better questions.
4. SCHEDULE off the grid unplugged time.
5. Unfollow the people that trigger you.
“Girl I want you to live a life that you are freaking OBSESSED with. I do not want some sallysue293 on Instagram to be the reason that you’re holding yourself back and staying in your own damn way of pursuing your goals and this beautiful vision that you have for your life.”